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27 April 2018

Are these Sensitive Documents on Your Shredding List?



Turning to professional document shredding for those documents you no longer need, is one of the most beneficial decisions’ your business can make; destroying confidential details ensures that there is no chance your information could be leaked to the wrong individual.

With this in mind, this approach is only successful if you know what documents are deemed confidential and subsequently require secure destruction for privacy reasons.

It can be challenging to determine what records require shredding, and if you’re like most individuals it is probable there are documents you may be forgetting about!

Let’s cover a sample of documents you should be adding to your shred pile!

document shredding list


This one is slightly difficult as it becomes subject to tax laws and filing procedures. Receipts can potentially offer thieves information that is related to financial details and payment; credit card numbers, and methods of payment. It is not unusual for thieves to use receipts illegally to obtain store credit on the victim’s behalf.


This one probably doesn’t come to mind, but when you take a moment to consider the personal information you’re exposing to those who obtain a copy, you’ll realize the criticalness behind shredding these. Resumes reveal one’s address, phone number, name, email address and employment and educational background. A thief can learn substantial information about an individual based on a one resume alone.

Boarding Passes

Following your vacation, we suggest that you shred boarding passes and trip details that you no longer need.  If a thief gains access to your boarding pass they will discover your booking ID immediately, which gives them details regarding your travels. Flight numbers can also be exposed, giving hackers a way into your travel accounts where they can perform cancellations or check into flights.

Prescription Labels

Another one you might be forgetting is prescription labels. These labels have your name, the strength of drug (suggesting potential health concerns), and the name of your pharmacist. Finding these labels could provide a thief with the ammunition needed to refill prescriptions, which could result in drugs making their way to the wrong individual.

Birth Announcements

Unfortunately, children are major targets of identity theft and are often victimized before and more regularly than adults. Birth announcements provide personal physical descriptions, such as eye color, birth date, weight and more.

Pet Medical Records

You are probably shaking your head at this one, but hear us out. These documents show pet names, which according to studies is the most predominant choice for online passwords. You’ll want to safely store records from important vet appointments of course, but consider shredding any files that are from standard check-up appointments.

Funeral Pamphlets

Using the identity of a deceased person is sad and shocking, but very real real outlet thieves use to fraudulently apply for loans, tax returns, and credit card accounts. Securely shred any obituaries or funeral pamphlets you have printed for the service. It is also smart to exclude any birth date or maiden name in any public obituaries.

Contact us today to schedule your shredding requirements.

Call Time Shred Services at (855) 85-SHRED (74733)


Jim Dowse, CSDS

Jim Dowse is the COO of Time Shred Services. Jim has over 35 years’ experience in the document management and document shredding industry and runs Time Shred Services with a staff of the most accomplished professionals in the document destruction industry. Under Jim’s leadership Time Shred has grown to be the largest locally owned Document Shredding company in the New York City area. Since we are a local business, we have a vested interest in providing the residents and businesses in our community with the best shredding service possible. Jim recognized that there was a need for a better and more convenient document shredding service that provided customers with shredding services when they needed it Monday through Saturday and Time Shred was born. Jim is also a CSDS, Certified Secure Destruction Specialist. This is the highest individual certification for an individual in the document shredding industry. This Author Biography is courtesy of i-Sigma