Secure Professional Shredding Services for Manhattan, New York City, Long Island, Westchester and New Jersey Call Today, Shred Tomorrow
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Shredding Services Gramercy, New York City

Call (212) 359-0643

Professional Shredding Services in Gramercy is one call away!

If you need shredding services in the Gramercy section of Manhattan you have an easy way to have it done at your location on the day you want. Just call Time Shred Services. Our experienced professionals will gladly take your call, explain how our shredding services work, give you a price and schedule your service for any day Monday through Saturday.

Why Time Shred Services

We prove every day with every customer that we make document shredding easy.  It only takes one call to our helpful staff and you will have your document destruction service scheduled.  You can choose any day that is good for you.  When we arrive at your location our trained staff will do all the work as you look on to see that your information is handled in the most secure way.

Trust Time Shred

You don’t have to worry about who is coming to your home or office to destroy your confidential records when you choose Time Shred.  All of our staff is background checked on an annual basis, then must pass drug screening and surprise drug tests and they must sign a confidentiality agreement insuring that they will protect and keep our client’s information confidential.  They are also well trained to perform their duties in the most secure manner and make our customer’s experience with our service a positive one that they would recommend to others.

On-site Shredding

With Time Shred your personal papers or business records are destroyed at your location.  We send one of our mobile shredding trucks to your home or office and we place your papers into one of our bins that will be locked to protect your information.  The bin is then moved to our truck, and with the push of a button the bin is lifted into the truck and your files are emptied into the shredder and they are destroyed.   We invite our clients to come to our truck and witness the process.

Business Shredding

Whether you use a small or large amount of paper in the operation of your business Time Shred has a service that meets your needs.  Our One-time and Scheduled document destruction services will accommodate any need.

One-time shredding is a flexible service that is available only when you need it.  We come to your office to destroy your business records only when you call for it.  We service any size job from just a few boxes of old client files to a warehouse full of business records.

Scheduled Shredding is for those firms that need to destroy files in the daily operation of their business.  We provide security containers that your staff disposes of all paper documents in instead of a waste basket. We supply enough containers to make is easy for all of your staff to use them.  Time Shred then comes to your office to destroy the contents of the containers on a consistent schedule.  We suggest weekly, biweekly, every four weeks or a monthly schedule.

Residential Shredding

Your personal files are kept at home.  When you decide to throw some of those documents away because they are old or not needed anymore you should never put them in the trash.  Identity thieves know that household garbage is a good place to look to steal someone’s identity.  Also, your information is on more documents than you realize so you should destroy every piece of paper.  Our residential shredding service makes it easy because we come to your home and destroy all your files there and you watch it happen.  You can have your home document destruction on any day you chose Monday through Saturday.

Schedule your shredding service today, just give Time Shred a call.

Call (212) 359-0643
[email protected]

Time Shred Services 628 West 45th Street New York, NY 10036


